About me

A little bit about myself.

Born and raised in a diverse country of India. I'm a curious mind, continuous learner and "arts-oholic," passionate about different cultures, psychology, user experience and data. ​Believes in quality over quantity.

Being an art person by nature, I love to bring different perspectives, teams together and ideas to life.

My interests? Design, paintings, cooking, cinema, culture, ... 

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Outcome- The painting shown is completed without the use of any assistance, resulting in better efficiency and impact. Capable of creating my own versatile palettes with limited colours.


Asking "why" and the "how" of every topic I was interested in. & How my curiosity helped me to enhance my artwork - 

Challenge: I've been good at drawing since childhood. Earlier, I used to paint by watching YouTube artist's videos, as I could not identify specific colour hues and create colour palettes. I had a dependency and used to sit for 1 to 2 days to finish one.


Curiosity helped me to analyse GAP in my skills to Research and learn from artist John Pototschnik's book, "Unlimited Paint: Unlimited Colour with a Limited Palette" about colour wheel, light effects, shadows etc. Detailing creates realism value.

Lean Mindset

Change will always be part of life. So let's learn to embrace it. 

As an agile methodology practitioner, I like applying this philosophy to every aspect of my life, as a lifelong iteration process. 

Because change means opportunity to improve.

Social Impact: My Mission

I believe work should be way more than "what we do from 9 to 5". My skills should help make this world a better place.

That's why every project I work on must have a meaningful mission.  And I've worked on amazing projects so far!

"Tech-for-good" geek

The world we live in is changing. Why not taking advantage of the new tools and use them to help our fellow citizens? 


As a huge "tech-for-good" geek, I'm proud to have learnt new tech, tools and frameworks... Let's change the world!

Challenge seeker

A comfort zone is a place of no growth and no challenges. Challenges are what makes life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes it meaningful.

My hardest one so far? Climbing up and down the famous Girnar mountain in India, covering around 20k steps. Also offering circumambulation around it on the very next day, which requires anyone to walk continuously for the entire day. 

Fun fact: The picture is of me after I finished my first 2000 steps after initiating my whole night journey. 

My Artwork

A Cook

Can cook almost all Indian cuisines. Cooked a native dish called "Misal" for 12 guests on the occasion of my birthday.

Learner & Implementer

Believes in Learn & Implement ideology.
Practicing German language out of my interest for other cultures. 

My Beliefs / Values

Respect, Focused, Detailing, Hard Work, Research, Quality over Quantity, Sharing & Spread... :)  

Get in touch at +91 9623336444 | shaileshtateis@gmail.com Pune, India.